The tradition of the PRINT BROKER has always been popular in the USA, whereas in other countries print broker is considered a predecessor of PRINT MANAGEMENT. What is the difference between print manager and print broker?
Print broker
Their task is to find the most effective solution for the purchase of production of printing products.
Print broker is a very suitable supply partner for clients who need various forms of printing products. The print broker manages all printing work, and the entrepreneur can devote more time to the core business. As the print broker is responsible for the effective production of the client’s company, a human approach is essential.
Print manager
Compared to print broker, print manager deals with the client’s needs and offer additional services including consulting. Pays attention to the optimalisation of the technical specification of the printed product before production. It means, the print manager suggests format configuration, paper, surface modification and other technical details. The aim is not only the effectiveness of the production. The print manager’s prior aim is to meet the client’s overall needs, i.e., to provide additional services, graphic design, distribution, shipping etc.
There are other topics which the print manager often discusses with the client. They include marketing, storage system of the printed product, sale system etc. However, this is only possible if the company cooperates with a team of print managers and their production partners. They have a close relationship with each other and equip the client with skills and knowledge.
Source: You X Ventures/Unsplash
Client’s needs
The difference between the print manager and the print broker consists in the range of services offered and the communication with the client. It is up to the client to choose the right business partner. The choice depends on the needs of the clients.
Both types of the managers may be effective for the client and may be beneficial for the innovative development of the company.
Radko Bovan is a founder of Print Solution Centre LLC in US & Polygrafické centrum, s.r.o. in Europe. He has more than 25 years of experience in running his company. He is experienced in the areas of printing, publishing, business and advertising. He believes that, if you want to be successful, it is necessary to have clearly defined values and not to lose sight of the mission and the objectives of the company. He puts emphasis on freedom at work which comes along with personal responsibility